Sunday, January 18, 2009

Vacation took it's toll

I guess the break has taken it's toll on me. By that I mean that it's caused me to become extremely lazy at posting.

A lot of stuff has been going lately. Macworld 2009 and CES 2009 both took place in San Francisco and Las Vegas, respectively. So many things were announced, it's ridiculous. I'm not even gonna bother with it all, it'll just take too long. Just a few things of note:

MacBook 17 in. is updated to aluminium unibody to match the rest of the line. What's special of note would have to be a non-removable battery. That's a huge deal. First, that limits what the user can do. They won't be able to purchase a spare battery or replace it on their own. That kinda sucks. I don't use a spare battery for my laptop but I can see where some people would want one. Like say, when you need to continue using the computer because something just came to mind but the battery is about to die. Second would be the capacity of the battery. Because it's non-removable, the latch and mechanisms for a removable battery aren't needed. This allows for a battery roughly 40% larger. To put it frontly, this laptop is rated at up 8 hours of battery. That's insane for a 17 in. laptop.

Now, for the longest time, I've had respect for Palm. I've always wanted a Palm when I was little. It was cool seeing all the professions carrying around a little PDA and tapping away with their little stylus. But like with everything technology, things change. And tech companies need to keep up with the times. In this case, I'm talking about the crazy world of the smartphone mobile OS. Of note are Windows Mobile, Symbian, iPhone OS X, Blackberry OS and Palm's own. The problem was that Palm's OS was old and hasn't been updated quite as visually as the others. So when palm announced their webOS, and subsequently the Palm Pre handset, many a geek exploded with excitement. It's been written from the ground up and looks amazing. They definitely made the visual looks stunning, but the real crazy part that it essentially leapfrogs every other mobile OS in speed, performance and ease of use in one go. I had stopped wanting anything Palm a few years back. As of a year ago, I was literally counting down the days until Palm disappeared altogether. Well, not anymore. This announcement was make or break. Do or die. And boy, did they do. It's an exciting time for Palm. PS: On the day of annoucement, Palm's stock closed a full 40% higher. Very nice.

I never really thought Sony would enter the netbook realm of portable computing. Seriously, a cheap mini laptop from Sony, no way. Well, we'll have to see about cheap. But a mini computer we got. Enter Sony's Vaio P, filed under ridiculously sexy and totally something you'd never buy and show to a family member. With it's 1600 x 768 resolution, it's really kinda weird to look at. Looking like a stretched out notebook, it's strange that Sony would make one and then not call it a netbook. Buy one and shove it in your pants! (If you got that reference, you spend too much time on the internet, like myself)

Sorry folks, no car news from me this week. Just didn't follow it like I should have. At least not the good stuff :)

As for me, I attended the engagement of my cousin. I have a ton of cousins, so I was having a hard time wording that last sentence. Anyway, it was nice. A little ceremony at the house and then just take everyone out to lunch.

Went to visit a close friend of mine a few days ago. It was awesome. Ended up talking about old times and really random stuff till almost 5AM. Had a great time at his place, even if it was just for a day and a half.

School is starting up really soon which is always a drag. I'm still in need of a job. Mervyns, my previous employer, has been closed since the new year and I'm looking for a new place to work.

Buy me this! It's SGP's Illuzion Folder Pouch. I want this case for my iPhone 3G , it's really nice. It's a leather case that flips down, instead of up. I never knew SGP made cases as nice as this one. At $35.99 is very reasonable. It's a lot cheaper than one of these babies! Gosh, Vaja, the cheapest one most similar to the SGP, the ivolution Top SP, is going for a minimum of $85! Ouch.

Well, those were some interesting things in the last couple of weeks. Hopefully, it won't be such a long amount of time between posts, again. Bye!

One More Thing: Just wanted to point you guys to a website I've found that I thought was pretty cool. It's called indecent haiku and it's awesome. Haikus (5-7-5, you should know) that have some really funny subjects. And, it comes up great on mobile web browsers. Read Away.


Unknown said...

Just realized I should be posting direct comments to the posts here..

Unknown said...

I think the traffic from your website killed indecentHaiku...

The Brain 2 U said...

LOL. It wouldn't be the traffic from my website. I got it as a recommendation from one of my RSS feeds. So, it must have been traffic from there.