Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Beach Trip

So, here is it, yet another blog. Man, that last one didn't, well, last very long did it? I guess it really was a temporary blog. I haven't been in the blogging type of mood for the last couple of months. What with me not putting one blog post in nearly three months and all. Well, I'll try to make that not happen again. I'll work on posting something up, even if my life is so freakin boring as it already is. Oh yeah, finally got the "thebrain2u.blogspot.com" url back under my name, WOOT!


On Sunday, a whole bunch of us headed to the beach. I got up at 7am to prepare and at around 8:30 I went around and started collecting people. We were going in two groups/cars. In my group was me, Arthur, John, Alex and Amy. I picked up Arthur first and then swung over to John. Arthur gave Amy a call saying we were going to pick her up. Let's just say she threatened to hurt him, so we headed to Alex's house first. From there, we went to Safeway for orange juice, coffee, and a quick stop at the donut shop. We headed to Amy's house and got her after that.

John was the one driving and Arthur had the position of navigator. Highway 17 is crazy! So, our group arrives before Lenny's group. We walked around the arcade a bit while we waited for the other group to buy/bring food. The other group finally shows up, consisting of Lenny, Jessica, Yi and Ray, and we chowed down! Pizza, sushi, and sparkling apple cider on the beach front. We had a whole bunch of Vietnamese stare at us munching. We had random antics while eating, like pretending to get carded for apple juice and Lenny and Ray falling in the sand with wet sunblock.

After eating, we grabbed our gear and staked out a spot on the sand. Arthur's beach umbrellas provided awesome shade. The Stripping commenced as most people got ready for the water. I took off my flip-flops, took two steps, and ran back to the umbrella. The sand was FREAKIN hot. Gathering up my nerves, I ran down to the water's edge. We just kinda ran around in the water for a bit. Alex was sad cause his geometry ball was getting all sandy as we chucked it around. It's ok, Alex.

After mucking around in the water for a while, we headed back to the umbrella to dry. Instead of just standing around, we played football. Again, the sand was FREAKIN hot. It was funny. We'd all be standing around in flip-flops. Hike, and we'd run like weirdos. Once the ball was thrown and caught, you'd be out of your flip-flops so you can run. After getting tagged, you basically ran back to your flip-flops cause your feet was burning! Insanely funny, what with me and Amy's truce to cover each other/stand around. Good stuff.

Arthur and John took a stroll around the boardwalk for a bit, while the rest of us just kinda laid around under the umbrella. Alex, Amy, me, Lenny, and Ray all kinda fell asleep. I could hear Jessica and Yi talking the whole time, though. After who knows how long, Arthur and John came back. We took turns leaving to get changed, and then we packed up the gear. Laser Tag was on our next agenda. It was awesome. Yi wanted to stick by me, but I lost her 30 seconds in. Arthur shot me like, 5 times! I scared some dude by accident, and he screamed and ran away before I could shoot him.

We all headed back Fremont for Elephant Bar. That was my first time at Elephant Bar. Good stuff, the desserts are freakin huge! I didn't have any dessert, cause the slice of mud pie scared me, and I was so full I couldn't feel my legs. After eating, we were trying to decide if we should go watch the meteor shower, but people started heading home instead, so we all ended up leaving, too. All in all, it was a great day. I got to hang out with friends that I usually only get to see once a year. Schools starting up real soon, so I probably won't be able to see most of them for a while. I'll miss them. I'd been really excited about this beach trip, cause for the last couple of weeks, I've been working a lot and had summer classes. It was the perfect chance to just relax and have fun. And I did, and I thank all of them for letting me join them.

Anyways, I'm gonna go and re-sort something. Haha.


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