Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Got this from friend in an email, who stole it from someone, who in turn stole it from someone else. And so on and so forth, LOL.

- Available: Sure am.
- Age: 20
- Annoyance: itches you can't scratch
- Actor: too many to name

- Beer: tastes funny
- Birthday/Birthplace: Nov 23, 1987 in the USA Somewhere.
- Best Friends: Eternity, (^_^)
- Body Part on opposite sex: legs
- Best feeling in the world: When I helped someone
- Big words: Don't use them when explaining stuff, stick to the simple
- Best weather: Fall
- Been in Love: Don't think so
- Been bitched out?: Uh, I guess so.
- Been on stage?: Many times for school stuff, bleh.
- Believe in yourself?: Yep
- Believe in life on other planets: Of course, life is out there.
- Believe in miracles: Yes.
- Believe in Magic: Oh hecks yea.
- Believe in God: Different Gods.
- Believe in Satan: Different Satan.
- Believe in Santa: I used to!
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: Yes, It's a little creepy.
- Believe in Evolution: I'm a man of science, so yes.

- Car: 1996 Toyota Camry V6-LE. Hopefully getting a new Civic Si Sedan.
- Candy: Once in a while
- Colour: Green, Blue, Black(no color), white(all colors? LOL)
- Cried in school: When I got picked on in elementary school. My best friends would come bail me out.
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
- Chinese/Mexican: I'm half Chinese, so that should answer some.
- Cake or pie: Cake
- Country to visit: Japan, Korea, China, Italy, France, Britain and England. In that order!

- Day or Night: Night
- Dream vehicle: 2001 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII in White.
- Danced: Just whenever I was forced to.
- Dance in the rain?: I would, but I'm afraid of getting sick. Ah, heck. I'll do it the next rain.
- Do the splits?: Uh, no. Used to be able to when I did martial arts, not anymore.

- Eggs: Scrambled, fried sunny side up, boiled, and deviled.
- Eyes: Dark brown. I wish I had like, bright hazel or something.
- Everyone has: habits.

- First crush: Wouldn't you like to know?
- First kiss: No real kiss, yet.
- Full name: Brian Ngoc Nguyen. Viet: Nguyen Ngoc Hoa
- First thoughts waking up: What time is it?
- Food: Do you even have to ask?

- Greatest Fear: Losing someone.
- Giver or taker: Giver
- Goals: Do something to be remembered.
- Gum: Makes me hungry after chewing for a while
- Get along with your parents?: Yup
- Good luck charm: Whatever I own.

In girls/guys:
Eye colour: Blue, Green, brown
Hair Colour: Doesn't matter
Height: Not crazy tall, please.
Clothing Style: Classy yet cute. Stylish yet practical.

- Hair Colour: Black
- Height: 5"2' I'm short.
- Happy: More often than not.
- Holiday: My favorite times of the year.
- How do you want to die: Uh, wow. That's a bit morbid.
- Health freak?: HA! Not even.
- Hate: Rude people.

- Ice cream: Mint Chocolate Chip. The kind with green ice cream.
- Instrument: Been trying to learn the piano.

- Jewellery: A necklace with Buddha on it. And some Hawaiian bead bracelets once in a while.
- Job: Currently Mervyn's Men's Sales Associate and Clothing Specialist.

- Kids: Love them.
- Kickboxing or karate: Karate
- Keep a journal?: An Online journal.

- Longest Car Ride: 7 Hours
- Love: Believe in it.
- Letter: B
- Laughed so hard you cried: Yeah, but it's gotta be really, REALLY funny.
- Love at first sight: Yesh.

1. Slept in a bed beside you? Uh, I don't remember
2. Saw you cry? Long ago, a couple years now.
3. Went to the movies with you? Some friends.
4. You went to the mall with? My Cousins.
5. You went to dinner with? My friend John a few days ago. SUSHI!!!
6. You talked to on the phone? Sister
7. Made you laugh? John

- Milk flavour: chocolate
- Movie: The Matrix.
- Mooned anyone?: Nope. I keep my butt in my pants.
- Marriage?: Plan to someday.
- Motion sickness? Usually, no.

- Number of Siblings: 1
- Number of Piercings: None
- Number: 17

- Overused Phrases: Dude, Seriously, Oh really?
- One wish: To live happily
- One phobia: Take your pick: Heights or Spiders.

- Place you'd like to live: Japan or Italy.
- Perfect Pizza: Chicken, Mushroom and Sausage.
- Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi

Quail: UH...

- Reason to cry: Sad Japanese drama.
- Reality T.V.: Not that great nowadays.
- Radio Station: 94.9 and others.
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: What?

- Song: "The Hardest Thing"
- Shoe size: 8
- Salad Dressing: Ranch, Italian or none at all.
- Sushi: Oh, my. Yes, Please. Yes.
- Scent: Some girls smell really nice.
- Slept outside: Yeah, it kinda sucks.
- Seen a dead body?: On TV only so far.
- Smoked?: Nope. Although, second hand from my dad probably.
- Skinny dipped?: Nah.
- Shower Daily?: Uh-Huh.
- Sing well?: I sing along to songs in the car and in my room. That's about it.
- In the shower?: Oh, in there, too.
- Swear?: Sometimes, it's a bad habit.
- Stuffed Animals?: Do anime Plushie Characters count?
- Single/Group dates: dunno
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries
- Scientists need to invent: A teleporter

- Time for bed: Whenever I feel like it, XD.
- Thunderstorms: Nerve-racking.
- TV: Almost always on in the background.
- Touch your tongue to your nose?: Can't do it.

-Unpredictable: It varies
-Unpredictability: Extremely.

- Vegetable you hate: Eggplant
- Vegetable you love: Potatoes
- Vacation spot: I wanna go to Hawaii or New York.

- Weakness: Girls in need. Chivalry, gross, init?
- When you grow up: I'm mostly grown up....LOL.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Hmm, good question.
- Who makes you laugh the most: Eternity laughs together.
- Worst feeling: Disappointing someone.
- Wanted to be a model?: Nope
- Where do we go when we die: Buddhist, we get reborn.
- Worst weather: thunderstorms

-X-Rays: Too technical.

-Year it is now: 2008
-Yellow: The color of napkins from Wendys! Haha.

-Zoo animal: Penguins and Turtles.
-Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

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