Thursday, January 31, 2008


Don't you just love these meaningless blog post titles I've been using? They're most likely not related to anything I'm typing about, just there for the sake of having a title.

I went back to Fry's today and returned the metal retractable stylus. The person doing the return gave me a funny face when I told them it was too sharp and would scratch a touch screen. I had to explain that a Nintendo DS uses a touch screen. Jeez. Bought the official Nintendo licensed retractable stylus, they were cheaper, too! WTF.

Headed to Walmart, too. I bought The Tuxedo, U-571, and The Sum of All Fears on DVD, each for $5. Not bad. I did the self check-out thing and you have to demagnetize the discs yourself on this little star sticker. I got all of them to work except The Tuxedo. Lo and behold, when I was leaving, I beeped at the door. NO ONE stopped me. Uh....strange. Being the upstanding person I am, I turned around and asked this guy near the door. He was surprised that I came back in and proceeded to check my bag and receipt, the whole shabang. He demagnetized the movies again for me and said thanks for coming back in.

Went to eat sushi with Andrew for dinner. Man, I lost track of whose turn it was to pay for food. Andrew beat me to it, but I decided to chip in for tip at least.

Headed home and plugged my laptop into the big screen TV in the living room and proceeded to watch some Korean dramas. It's nice to watch on the big screen once in a while.

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